Friday, May 1, 2015

What is education?

Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. This means education is what you remembered to life an everyday life. Not everything you learn is gonna be used when you get out of school, therefore education is what is left after you forget what was learned in school.


Education is the most powerful weapon in which you can use to change the world. What does this mean? It means the only way to make anything change is to use knowledge of whats happening. When people use force, they get nowhere at all. Its like fighting fire with fire, all you get is a burnt from a bigger fire created. You have to out smart everyone and that's how you're gonna change the world. Look at many of the men that changed the world, not very many used violence or force. this shows that its possible to change the world with only your education.  

Good to know, Difficult to learn

According to an old Greek proverb," All good things to know are difficult to learn." This is not always true, but on most occasions it is. When you work for something, along the way you will fail and you always learn from failure. If everything that's good to know, was easy to learn, then the world wouldn't have half the problems it has today. Most of the best things to know are gonna have a road to travel, and if you don't travel the road, then that's something you may never know.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Honesty or Lies?

Is it ever okay to lie, or should you always be honest? No lying is never okay, you should always be honest because you will end up in more trouble if you lie than if you just admit the truth. There's a difference between keeping something form someone and lying, but if they ask about it and you deny it, it becomes lying. You will get farther in life by staying true to those you love and trust and be honest.

School Uniforms?

 I believe uniforms are great ideas for younger children not the high school kids. If the younger kids wear uniforms then they are easier to keep together as a group. Your older pupils shouldn't have to wear uniforms in public nor private schools. They should be able to express themselves however they'd like to. They think uniforms will cut back on the bullying but it won't, because they still get judged on the brand of uniform they wear. It's best to just cut out uniforms and let us express ourselves, than to make us wear uniforms that we don't like and still get bullied for.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Disasters & Mistakes

Image result for educational quotes
More often than not we make many mistakes and we learn from them. Then there's the disasters that you can t control, you learn from those too. You learn what you can do to help prevent it the next time. 

Hard to Learn

 Normally if its hard to learn, its a good thing to know for later in life.